As a few of you know I mentioned when there is a writer's strike and not much on TV you have to find entertainment on everyday life. I used Church as my first example. But what do you do when there’s a writers strike and church is only one day a week, well you go bowling with your team from work. Instead of our team having another holiday party to cram into the busy month of December we have started the tradition of going bowling at the end of January. January, 30th 2008 was the 2nd annual E-delivery Super Bowl.
I would say there was 45-50 of us that went this year so naturally there was lots of entertainment to be found. You know you are in for a range of skill sets when you have one guy that shows up with a little suitcase on wheels carrying his bowling ball and another guy that asks. “How do you hold the ball?” Toss in a few other guys that had never been bowling before, some beer, and eclectic group and you have something that could be better than just about any episode of the office.
Instead of trying to describe how things went I will let the pictures help out.
Here is the ring leader of this crazy bunch, Mark. I think wearing that shirt in public should be punishable by law.
Here we have Mike and Mike. The Mike on the right(yea the one in the ugly shirt) is our score keeper and the one who picked the teams (So anyone who wasn’t happy about who they ended up with see Mike)
Now there were a lot of different styles of bowling seen through out the day.
There was the cute little sashay done by “Z”
The let me see how far I can throw the ball down the alley, done by a few of the bowlers.
Then there were the bowlers that kept the ball on the ground
Then there was the “manly” ballet move while winging the bright pink ball down the alley.
There were a few who also tried to run down the alley and kick the pins down but I missed getting a shot of that. Actually I was probably laiughing to hard to actually get a good shot of it. I also didn't capture the shot of when my own team mate slipped and fell.
While waiting for his next turn my team Leader, Jeff, is just observing the action with Diba, and Sachin.
Uday, Mr. South India, was a first time bowler and did really well. Even better than me, but let's not talk about that....
For those of you wondering why there are all guys in my pictures, well I am back to being the only female in e-delivery again and since I was taking the pictures I didn’t have to be in them. Yes I did bowl also and managed to break 100 2 of the 4 games we played. Not great but not the worst(that honor went to Diba and Sachin). My team was fun and that is what really counts.. If you are really bored and want to see all the pics from the day they are Here… Bowling Pictures
Magical Realms Birthday Party
2 years ago