Taking pictures and LOTS of them..
First there was pictures of the Perry Family
Second a 6AM trip to Philly with the just Matt and Chelsea
Third was some quick family and kid pics for the Braodbents
Fourth I got to sneak in some pics of Zach and Kate
Fifth was the sweet Cole Arthur.
Sixth was pics of the equally sweet Hall baby.
Seventh was some quick senior pics or Breckyn (Which I will finally have blogged tomorrow)
Since then I have been trying to take some more pics of the M&M's I got for graduation for a wall picture but have given up and decided to just eat them!!
Aside from all that just lots of working, and editing all those pictures and thinking I really need to redo my blogs, but have not gotten to far on that...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What I have been up to since graduation..
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5/30/2009 06:56:00 PM
Friday, May 29, 2009
Oh this is soo true and sad!!
There is not much that has to be said about this. Just watch!!
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5/29/2009 12:20:00 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Graduation day
Phew, graduation weekend was a whirlwind but now it is time to get the blog up. Since my cousin Ryan refuses to get facebook I have to post this blog so he can see the pictures and stop bugging me about when I am goign to blog them.
It was great to have a few out of town guests, my Dad and Bobbi made it for the weekend from Maine. Plus my cousin Ryan and his girlfriend Michelle also made it from Boston. Jamie, Aunt Lois and Ellie didn't make it, which was a bummer but hopefully they will come visit later this summer.
My Dad and Bobbi arrived Friday night and we went out to dinner at the cheese cake factory. It was just them, my mom and I which was nice.
Saturday morning was when my graduation took place and I was just glad the rain had held off. It was really warm and humid but no rain which was good. Things started right on time. Since they give the evening students their diplomas first we had to sit through the rest. I admit I was really pretty zoned out most of the time during the speakers, as were most other people. I even started snappign pictures with my little point and shoot to pass the time.
The funniest thing was when the fire alarm at the fire station literally right next to us went off. They usually ring the siren 2 maybe 3 times but today they rang it 9 times. Then the 1 fire truck that drove by had sirens blaring even though the road was closed for graduation and no one was on it. Yea you might say they are not big fans of the dean or the college in general. I just thought it was funny , but it was loud and hard on the ears.
I was spoiled big time this weekend.
My Aunt Lois got me the Blythe doll I wanted. She swore my mom was pulling one over on her when she told my aunt this is what I wanted. Here is a quick snap shot of Penelope Paprika… more photos to follow.
My Aunt also got me personalized M&M’s I am not sure if I should be flattered or disturbed that my face is on these. While Penny helped her regaina favorite Aunt status after bailing on graduation, these disturbing portraits almost made her lose it again. But hey chocolate is choclate and they still taste great.
My dad is extremely proud of the fact I graduated with a 4.0 Check out the hat he got when we were walking around the mall. He finally got a hat I would not be embarrassed to see him wearing, of course he gave it to me so he will still be wearing the dreaded cheerios hat. I am thinking I should wear it to my sister’s college graduation this summer. You know to just remind her that even though she is the tall, thin, pretty sister, I am the smart one. :-)
Aside from the hat he and Bobbi got me this very pretty bracelet and matching earrings. I love it…
My cousin Ryan and the other 4.0 Michelle gave me cash, yep that went right into my fund which will be used for either a laptop or the “zebra” lens I really want. I was so happy they were able to make it down. I can’t wait till the next time they visit so we can see some of the sites in the area. I got really lucky Michelle came because she was able to take some pictures for me of graduation. They will be at the end of this post. Thanks again Michelle for doing that for me. I love them.
From Jamie, Jeff and little Ellie I got this very cool clock. It was once a camera that was turned into a clock. It is right up my alley that is for sure. I still have to decide where I will keep it. It still didn't bump her or Jeff up to number one again but you know it kept them from slipping any further.
My grandmother got me a right angle view finder. She had no idea what it was used for but knew I wanted it thanks to my mom getting something from my wish list for her to give me.
Speaking of my wish list from B&H my mom went crazy shopping from it. I was expecting my ipod that I picked out 2 months ago and the speakers I got for it. Which I did get but she also got me a lens I wanted, and a bunch of other accessories I had on my wish list. I was seriously stunned, and very thankful. She also treated everyone to dinner at the William Penn Inn.
Dinner was great. My friend Missy joined us which was great. I was really happy to have her there. She gave me this very cool snow globe, with a very nice engraving. She didn’t even realize it plays pomp and circumstance. Good thing she didn’t realize that because Bobbi would have started crying at the dinner table had she known.
Here are some of the Pictures that were taken at graduation. Thanks Again Michelle K.
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5/19/2009 06:49:00 PM
Labels: graduation
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A big suprise as a thank you for a friend.
Here is a quick picture I took of the doll and some of the stuff we sent her.

For anyone who wants to see what how this all progressed here are the notes I posted on facebook
Checking for interest
A quick update
A quick Picture
Soon to be delivered
And finally the thread where she gets it n the message board 2 peas in a bucket.
The mother ship has landed
And yes I could not stand the waiting anymore so I picked up the phone and called her once I tracked down her phone number. She probably thinks I am some sort of lunatic. I was like "Is this Heather? This is Chell from 2 peas you need to go to your porch and look for a package right now and then you need to get on 2 peas after you open it. Okay bye." Lunatic sure but hey it worked. LOL and we were all going crazy with anticipation...
This has been an amazing experience for me and I am so glad that so many were able to participate because it clearly meant a lot to them also. It has also reminded me how important being thankful is, and the importance of even just saying thank you. You don't always have to make grand gestures, just the simple acts can lift someone's spirits too and boy does it make you feel good to see someone else so happy. I honestly was so touched as I assembled the card for her, it really wasn't about money, it was about saying thank you to a dear dear friend, someone we love and appreciate, someone who makes our lives a little brighter by just being herself. You always hear about paying it forward, well this was about paying it back for a change in a small way!!
I am going to try to start posting at least once a week about things I am thankful for. I may not write down every little thing but enough to remind me that there are good and happy things in life to be thankful for.
Heather if you are reading this I want you to know how much I enjoyed putting this little surprise together for you and how happy I am that you are so happy with your new girl.
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5/13/2009 05:48:00 PM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Let the great clean up begin
So My friend Val has a very inspiring blog. It has things from thrifty craft projects, to fun recipes, gardening tips, healthy eating tips, cute pet pics, A great idea for thrifty cloth napkins and the latest thing that caught my eye is her cleaning challenge. She has already attacked her linen closet and bedroom closet with pictures included in other posts, so be sure to look for those. I confess I would be happy if my closet looked as good as her before pictures.
I have been trying to weed through things but without much luck and very little purpose behind said cleaning and purging. But last weekend I did pull out all my purses and bags and managed to get rid of about 1/3 of what I had. Ideally I should have probably gotten rid of 2/3, but it is still a tiny step in the right direction. I have other bags in the basement I need to go through too, but decided not to drag them up and will attack that when I get tot he basement cleaning. So each week I am going to tackle a new project or area of the house. I won’t be able to do everything I want since my mom lives with me and she is worse about holding onto things then I am. Although to her credit we did manage to get rid of 10 bags of clothes of hers not too long ago, it hardly made a dent in what she still has left but it was a great stride, and it took us hours to do. We also managed to throw away a trash bags worth of kitchen gadgets and such that were broken or just of no use any more.
So each week I will venture forth to clean out things, condense and organize. I might even take pictures from time to time of the before and after when I remember.
I think I need my cousin-in-law Jeff to come out and work his magic, that man can clean and purge like nothing else.
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5/12/2009 05:42:00 PM
Labels: cleaning
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Just call me Leighton 4.0
AHHHH Grades have posted and I some how managed to get to graduation with my 4.0 intact. I have never been a huge fan of school, well the homework aspect of it in particular. So next Saturday when I graduate it will be Summa Cum Laude with my 4.0. I am a bit in shock honestly. I am not sure it has sunk in I am actually done with classes.
My sister was kind enough to let me know I am sick fo getting a 4.0. but you know seeign as she is a crminal it is hard to take her seriously. (Long story on the criminal story, pretty funny actually.)
So next Saturday is graduation, so that means I got to spend a good portion of this weekend doing yard work and house work. a portion of that included 7 loads of laundry. Still LOTS to do before the family gets here next weekend. I think I need a house cleaner.. Still feeling Bummed that my aunt Lois and cousin Jamie with baby Ellie are not coming now but we skyped today and got to see sweet little Ellie. We will Skype next weekend for sure.
So this week will be pretty busy with getting ready for family next weekend. Then I am determined to do some major purging of stuff that I have been collecting. Time to get rid of stuff. I feel like I have a ton of tings to get caught back up on now that I am done with school.
Thanks to everyone that was so supportive and encouraging while I finished up my degree!!
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5/10/2009 10:25:00 PM
Labels: school
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Oh my Twitching Back
I have been having muscle spasms on the left side of my back for a few days now. It is making me crazy. I suspect once I get through my last final exam tonight and my stress level reduces some they will subside but until them they are more than a bit annoying!!
Tonight is my last class and the final group project that stands between me and graduation. Have I mentioned how much I do NOT enjoy group projects. Did I also mention this project is also all that stands between me and a 4.0 GPA at graduation.
I have lots of blogging to catch up on once school is done and I get caught up on yard work and house work before the family comes next weekend for my graduation. However, since it has rained for like the last 9 days and my yard is swamp like I might not be worrying much about the yard work part. Plus since my cousin and aunt are not longer coming we skip the white glove test on the house cleaning, now it just has to be presentable, or at least I hope I can get away with presentable.
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5/07/2009 02:32:00 PM