Sunday, February 3, 2008

What do you do where there is a writer's strike Part 3

This is my third installment of blogging about solutions to the writer's strike and finding new entertainment. When finding entertainment in your every day life is not working turn to the internet and youtube. There is a group called Improv Everywhere that has been prepared for a writer's strike for a long time and they don't just go looking for entertainment they create their own as you can see in the below videos.

This is one I saw on another blog earlier today and it made me laugh and inspired today's post so I thought I would share it with all of you here. Man I would have loved to be there to take some pictures.

A lot of people refer to Abercombie and Fitch as the naked boy store since for a clothing store they sure do use a lot of half naked guys for advertizements. Enjoy.

Now if you are like me and are not a big best buy fan you should like this one. I think they captured what a best buy employee does perfectly, such great likeness.

For more information on this fun group and their missions they have a website here and you can also see how best buy responded, another reason they are not very likable... Plus lots more funny videos for your viewing pleasure. Now that you have seen the no shirt mission be sure to check out the no pants missions... Or the red heads protesting the Wendy's logo.
Improv Everywhere