Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What do you do when there is a writer's strike #5

With a possible end to the writer’s strike in sight I will hopefully not have to work so hard to find entertainment much longer. However I have a quick one to share with you all. As some of you know I work in a place that has some unconventional pieces to it. For example we have no walled areas except the conference rooms and the bathrooms, no cubicles, no offices for anyone, not even the founder of the company. Our desks and everything else are on wheels which makes moving around pretty easy. We also have an extensive art collection here at work. It is called the ‘West Collection and there are various pieces displayed through out the company. It is not limited to any certain kind of artwork there are paintings, photos, drawings, sculptures of various kinds etc. As we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and while I personally might not care for some pieces I know someone else does.

I was only slightly freaked out when I had a 12 foot toddler staring me down at my desk for a few months, and the light box alphabet only drove me crazy for a few weeks till I figure out all the products they came from. However there is a piece I saw outside the cafeteria the other day that makes me want to vomit a little every time I see it and I know it is because it is placed right outside the cafeteria entrance. It is macro picture of a dead fly. Now you are thinking what is so bad about a close-up picture of a dead fly. Did I mention it is 4-5 feet big? Yea the thing is close to 5ft x 5ft.

So I was waiting for someone the other day and decided to observe how people reacted to this picture of a giant dead fly. Some didn’t notice it, others turned their heads the other way while one person turned and walked away and several others made some faces of disgust. I am hoping they find a new home for the giant dead fly picture.,