Thursday, August 16, 2007

Help we are being invaded by GIANT ground hogs…

Oh wait, my bad it is just Verizon here upgrading the lines to the new FIOS service. Phew that was close because I thought someone had armed the giant groundhogs with spray paint cans. There are Yellow, red, white, and bright orange lines and arrows painted all of the place, in the street, on curbs, sidewalks, driveways and even the grass. Looks like graffiti done by a bunch of preschoolers. There are also huge holes all over the neighborhood, and holes with big orange cables sticking out of them, I was thinking perhaps the Ground hogs were using them to get air like a snorkel. Now they always say things will be put back the way they were but it is clear that is not going to be the case here, curbs have been chipped and cracked by the machinery, where once there was grass there is big patches of dirt, and speaking of dirt… it is all over the place. My poor dog is not happy about the influx of people near HIS house and barks loudly all day expressing his unhappiness about it. He is also very displeased at the holes being dug in HIS yard. He is especially happy about the hole by the mailbox which was his favorite patch of grass to tinkle on.

We have no plans to upgrade anytime soon so it is just a nuisance to us to have the front yard ripped up and the neighborhood looking like it has been invaded by giant ground hogs…