So it is no great secret that I hate to have my picture taken… Probably why I enjoy photography so much, I get to be behind the camera instead of in front of it. However, every now and then I feel like I need to update my picture on my blogs or online profiles so I drag out the camera and start clicking away doing my own self portrait. Now for anyone that has tried to do this you know things like making sure you are in focus, lighting, and trying not to chop off the top of your head or chin are not always easy. (and when you have several chins like me that is a lot of chins to make sure get captured. Then there is the making sure you are in the frame at all that takes a little work too. I am not sure I got what anyone would call a great self portrait but at least I had a little fun…
Anyone have a favorite? I think the first one captures me best...
Magical Realms Birthday Party
2 years ago