Monday, March 24, 2008

Bad hair is just my signature look

A while back my friend Ginnie posted a Blog about her husband's sweet hair in HS and her less than stellar hair style. I told her that mine was far worse and decided it was time to finally get my bad hair pictures up for all to see.

Not sure which is worse here, the glasses or the really short hair. Gotta love the glasses from the 80's.

This is the first day of school my Junior year. This is what I called a good hair day back then. Clearly I had no idea what good hair was but hey it was 1989 so I should get a little break right??? I rarely had "good" hair days.

What is with those bangs, I have a hat on for crying out loud, I could have at least shoved the bangs in under it.

Gotta love the fro I have going on here with the mushroom style cut.

Not that you can really see it in this picture but I have one of those stretchy hot pink head bands on. Man I wish I had those sunglasses now. They are kinda fun.. Sadly I just came across those shorts in my closet. Why I still had them 18 years later is beyond me. I promise as part of my therapy I will place them in the goodwill bag as soon as I am done with this post.

I could go on for dozens more but I think I have made my point.. Oh and I don't think my Foster sister Carrie reads my blog so I am safe from her wanting to kill me for posting pictures with her in them with me.

Of course not much has changed other than I now have way too much grey hair I have to color to hide. It is still unruly and unstylish but at least now I know it and own it, that's half the battle.