So I got the chance to do two photo sessions this weekend and I have to admit it made me a little sad.
First I got to Take Emily over to Valley Forge to do some maternity pictures. Isn't she beautiful? You can see more pictures here.
Then I got to take Chelsea and her girls over to Ursinus campus to get some spring pictures of the girls. You can see more of those here.
So why did this make me sad? Some might think it is because I am still single and as much as i want to be a mom I have no kids but actually that isn't it at all. It is because both of these families will be moving in the next bit as their husbands graduate from Dental school. This time of year is always tough as the friends you make over a 4 year period graduate and move on. But I wish them all the best!!
Magical Realms Birthday Party
2 years ago