Confession time..
So I really had not bothered to mention too many people that I am trying to lose weight this year. Why? Well my past attempts have failed miserably for one reason or another. Plus this time it isn’t so much about getting thinner as it is about getting healthier, with the side benefit of losing weight. However now that my secret is out here is my update..
I started the year weighing 220 (which is my heaviest weight), I ate fast food 3-4 times a week, drank 2+ diet sodas a day, my only source of working out was walking to and from my car every day and lifting my camera gear, ate way too many sweets and processed sugars, ate too many fried greasy foods, and avoided anything that resembled a vegetable whenever possible (Unless you count French fries as a veggie..…)
I am happy to report that here I am at the end of month 2 and I have not had any fast food in 2009, I drink 1-2 diet sodas a week (And I am drinking a ton of water and using those crystal light packets in its place), I think I have eaten more fruits and veggies in the last 2 months then I did in all of 2008, I don’t think I have had any candy this year, but I might have and don’t remember since I am not really tracking that, I have eaten way less sweets in general (I even bought 4 boxes of girl scout cookies and didn’t eat 1 cookie, I just gave them to others to eat), Avoiding the fried and greasy foods as much as possible, I exercise for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week usually a little longer, and I have lost 18.5 pounds and 12 inches. I have beat my goals for January and February. Plus I am able to wear pants I could not even button at the start of the year.
It took about 6 weeks to kick the majority of my cravings and about 5 weeks before I didn’t feel hungry all the time. Yes I was eating enough my body was just used to me over eating. I guess it took about 4 weeks till I was able to exercise without feeling like I would die after 10 minutes, now I feel that way after about 30 minutes.
So what’s next? Well now that I will soon have class twice a week and I will be graduating in May so my biggest goal till mid May is to keep doing what I am doing. I would really like to lose another 13 pounds by May 16th, but more important is to keep staying away from the fast food,(my goal is no fast food before I graduate in May) watch my portions, limit the diet soda intake, keep eating the fruits and veggies (heck I might actually start enjoying the veggies at some point, then again maybe not) and exercising at least 4 days a week. I am dealign with some signifigant back pain right now so I have had to slow down and limit the exercise.
My weekly accountability check is an email to my sister with my progress, and another friend that is also trying to lose weight and needs the accountability check also and of course my mom is always asking(She has a vested interest since she promised a new wardrobe if I reach a certain goal). I can’t bring myself to blog about it on a regular basis because my life is already pretty boring to read about but I might do a check in every other month or so if I don’t think people are too bored by it..
Who knows when it gets a bit warmer I might even drag my road bike up from the basement and actually ride it? I have had it for 3 years and have never actually ridden it, sad I know. (I blame Cat Hunt) I might not win any biggest loser contests but hopefully I am on my way to feeling better in general.
Magical Realms Birthday Party
2 years ago