Monday, November 5, 2007

"Signs" that you are in Maine

I have been meaning to write this post for a while now but for some reason I keep starting it and have yet to finish it.

I went to Maine in late September for my Grammy’s 80th Birthday. The trip was a lot of fun and I got a lot of good pictures again. However I think I will focus on a few of my favorite pictures for this Blog. I saw a few signs while I was up there that to me really say Maine to me.

For instance here are a few signs I saw while in Boothbay Harbor Maine.

No McDonalds for the poor kids that live here. I wonder if seagulls taste like chicken. I don't think I want to find out for myself on that one.

Apparently all the animals are happy in Maine since they all seem to be smiling, well except for maybe the seagulls they might not be smiling.

For those that have never spoken to someone from Maine you might not realize they have great issues with the letter "R" at the end of words so they just remove it, as seen here on this Laundry which has a Pepsi sign, not sure I get that either.

Apparently someone didn't get the memo that there are not supposed to be any signs at this intersection.

While driving along a stretch of raod I was thinking I really could use some organic beef but I also really was in need of a good used car and time was limited. Luckily I saw this sign that would allow me to get both.

Now you can't go to Maine without having Seafood. I am so glad Bob has a place that sells seafood. (Bit of an insode joke with this sign based on some postcards we saw where the Lobster was named Bob)

Now apparently when naming towns in maine they were lacking some creative juices so they just named them after various countries. For those that get tired reading through the list you can take a load off and sit on the bench.

Now as if the rad sign is not enough to make you scratch your head the folks that own the house on the corner by this sign thought they woudl give you a little something more to scratch your head over. Click on the pictures to get a bigger view of this yard.

However the best sign I was able to snap a picture of was the one that give a whole new meaning to "shotgun wedding". I guess there really are rednecks everywhere you go.

Here are a few more shots of the General store. You can see a few of the other items they offer on the sign on the front of the building.

Yep you have to love the uniqueness that is Maine.