So some of my best friend's had a get together tonight at Zwahlen's for their son's 2nd Birthday. A good time was had by all who attended.
Here is the Birthday boy can't you just see the joy pouring out of him.
The whole place broke out in song but poor Cole looked like a deer in the headlights...
Here are the Flinder's, Aren't they silly???.
The Flinder's brought the stripper for the party, Sir O.
Here is Cole's cake that Emily Flinder's made for him. Pretty sweet huh?
Dad filmed the auspicious occasion
Mom stayed close to help him celebrate
Ali was the best baby sister you could ask for just kicking backing and soaking it all up
Lets hear from some of the guests...
Let's start with Cole's cousin Trey.. So how is the Ice Cream Trey?
How about you Camden what did you think?
Zach Attack how do you like your rainbow sprinkles?
Eli are you disappointed you didn't get Ice cream?
Guess not..
Umm no comment from this one as she tries to climb out the window..
This is one of Cole's neighbor's Ginnie, she is going gangsta in honor of moving back to Utah.
Abrie is trying out some new 'Tude too
Macie How do you feel about your mom and sister's new persona
Happy Birthday Cole. We all love you and I am sure going to miss you...
Monday, April 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Cole
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4/21/2008 08:43:00 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Another funny one from You Tube
This has to be one of the funniest and worst commercials I have ever seen.
And if you missed the one from the other day make sure you check out my bost below with "Charlie bit my finger"
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4/19/2008 05:03:00 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My mini vacation to VA
I am so excited that Aaron has decided to go to Mica next year which means the family is packing up and moving east for at least 2 years. This means a much shorter commute to see them. I can’t wait. I have really missed spending time with Carrie and the rest of her family. I got to spend a couple days with Carrie and the kids while they were in Virginia for spring break. So of course I had to blog about it.
Biz is a seven year old with an infectious laugh, eyelashes to die for and the cutest dimple. She is a sweet loving little girl with a great sense of humor.
When I hear her laugh I can’t help but laugh too, she has a great laugh. Oh and she has some real skill quoting lines from TV shows or movies. The one that cracks me up every time is “I said Good Day , daddy” Can anyone name what that is from.
Watch out for this one when she gets really tired though. There will be tears and tattling if you keep her from her precious slumber land. No talking when this little munchkin is trying to get to sleep. Shhhhhhh.....
Maddy is 11 going on 30 and has preteen attitude mastered.
Maddy cracks me up. For example we were all just chatting and Maddy asked if she could check her email. Jokingly I said “who is going to email you, you don’t have any friends?” Her response, completely serious was. “Yes I do.. Target, my points and JCPenny all email me.” I think there was even an eye roll as if to say "Sheesh of course I have friends emailing me".. We were all rolling at this. Then she gets on her email and what do you know the top message is from her buddy JCPenny, she also had an email from Home Depot, but sadly her friend Target chose not to email her this week.
On our way to the natural history museum she was dancing around at the front of the train with Biz, and when we pointed out everyone was staring at her she was quite happy with herself. There was also some mention about throwing some money their way for tips to help Daddy pay for 2 years of school. What a silly bunch tese three are.
Don't you love the static hair she has going on?
As you can see David was not as into the whole floor show his sisters were putting on.
My sweet little carwash buddy David is 13. I can’t believe he is a teenager. Of course he has to deal with teenage boy things like younger sisters. How does a teenager deal with his frustrations and get out of a grumpy mood? He farts in his sister’s face of course. Yep sweet little David let one rip in Maddy’s face while she was in bed. Is it bad we all laughed at that? hey at least it cheered him up some.
This look speaks volumes... The joy of being a big brother
Poor D was a bit out numbered by the female population this week since his dad was not able to make it this trip due to work. D was finishing up in the bathroom after his shower and on the other side of the door there was a discussion about bra’s happening and he was like “Hey I can hear you.” Poor kid. Thankfully there is technology that allows for face to face chats over the computer though when a boy needs to talk to his dad. Aaron is a great father and husband so I can understand why the kids missed him so much.
D you are going to be a heartbreaker one day. Just look at those eyes...
I can't wait to spend more time with these kiddos
Poor Aunt Marit better rest up though
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4/17/2008 09:14:00 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
That really hurt Charlie
Sometimes you just need a good laugh and this You Tube video is one of those funny moments..
Hope this holds you all over till I get my blog updated with my Trip to VA.
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4/16/2008 08:59:00 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Off to VA for a few days...
Well I am headed to VA for a couple of days... It will be a nice little break and I will get to see that wacky Walser family that I have been missing terribly. I am just glad I will have more willing photo subjects than this one...
Apparently he was trying to play Peek-a-boo here or something...
For a treat he would reappear for a second
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4/12/2008 10:17:00 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
An Alternative to PAYPAL???
I just signed up for my free account and got my $25. Hey free money ois free money right? So I thought I would share it with the readers of my blog...
The account is free and it is free to send and receive money unlike paypal which takes a chunk when people send you money. It is easy to use and you get $25 free when you sign up.... Just wanted to pass it along.
This was slapped together by
4/04/2008 01:09:00 PM